
Our package hapROH is on both pypi and conda.

To use pip,

python3 -m pip install hapROH

The package distributes source code that is compiled during installation. For experts: The contains information used by pip for the installation.

To use conda,

conda install hapROH


If you already have a hapROH release installed via pip and wish to upgrade to the latest stable release, you can do so by adding --upgrade:

pip install --upgrade hapROH

c Extension

For performance reasons, the heavy lifting of the algorithms is coded into c methods (cfunc.c). The package is set up so that this “extension” is built during installation. This is done automatically from cfunc.pyx via the package cython (when CYTHON=True in, the default setting). You can also set CYTHON=False, then the extension is directly compiled from cfunc.c (experimental, not tested on all platforms).


The basic dependencies of the package are kept minimal. They are sufficient for the core functions of the algorithms. When hapROH is installed, the following dependent Python packages should be automatically installed without any action on your part:

  • numpy for calculaions with numerical arrays at C speed

  • pandas for handling databases and tables at C speed

  • scipy for statistical operations at C speed

  • h5py for handling hdf5, a file format with partial I/O

  • psutil for process monitoring

  • numdifftools for automatic numerical differentiation

If you want to use extended analysis and plotting functionality, there are extra Python packages that you need to install manually (e.g. via pip or conda).

If you want to use the advanced plotting functionality, you need matplotlib.

For plotting of maps, you need basemap (warning: installing can be tricky on some architectures).

If you want to use the effective population size fitting functionality from ROH output, you require the package statsmodels.